Friday, December 30, 2011

Oh, How Time Flies

During the winter of 2006-2007 we had the amazing opportunity to attend the Third Wave Conference in Johannesburg, South Africa. The conference changed our lives in so many ways. We made countless new friends, many that we've been able to reconnect with around the world since the conference. 

And two new friends that I now call my husband and brother-in-law.

We were challenged throughout the week to live a life reflecting the justice and mission of God through His hope and His story. We served the community of Soweto at various churches. The church I went to is also an orphanage for children in the community. We spent the day painting and taking care of the church grounds. My job was to paint the inside of the windows. Each window was about 5' tall and about 8" wide. I'd climb in and paint the sides and the burglar bars. (I still have the tennis shoes I wore that day. I was so disappointed when I dripped paint on them, now that paint brings back great memories.) Josh had the opportunity to visit a community AIDS center to work with the people there. 

We delved into the social injustice that has been apart of the history of South Africa with visits to the Hector Peterson Museum and the Regina Mundi Church in Soweto to deepen our understanding of the affects of Apartheid. 

Throughout the week representatives from each world region were given the opportunity to be a part of the worship experience. These are our friends from the Eurasia Region leading the whole group in worship.

As a part of the USA/Canada region, we started our experience with an awe-inspiring safari in the northwest corner of South Africa. In my opinion, there are few better ways to experience the glory and beauty of God than through His creation. 

After the conference, the group I was traveling with drove to Swaziland to visit, Junior, our group leader's World Vision sponsor child. We spent the afternoon with Junior and his family. Jimi, our leader, bought their family a month's supply of food and each of us brought small toys for the kids in the family. The time we spent with them made us all so appreciative of what blessing we've been given. 

This week, several of our friends, some we met at the last conference and others we've met since, are gathering in Thailand for the next Third Wave Conference. We are praying for God's presence to be real and strong throughout their time together.